You can earn even more cash back with bonuses by completing certain requirements. If you haven’t received cash back from a bonus yet, you will want to check a few details.
Was your bonus completed within the qualifying time period (after the bonus started and before the bonus ended)?
- Generally, if you receive a notification for a bonus within the app, the bonus may have started that day. However, if the bonus started at a time different than what you expected, you might not qualify for the bonus.
- Always remember to read the bonus details.
Was your bonus completed before it expired?
- Try to keep track of bonus expirations and get your receipts submitted to Ibotta at least 24 hours before the expiration. If the bonus expires before it is completed, you will not qualify for the bonus.
- You can view bonuses that have expired within the past 72 hours in the Recently expired section on the Bonuses page in your app.
Did you redeem offers that applied to the bonus?
- Featured bonuses will require a specific number of offers to be redeemed to complete it.
- Other bonuses may have a brand, specific type of offer, retailer, or category requirements. Be sure to review the bonus details and Related offers on the bonus page to see what qualifies.
Did the bonus rely on the action of another Saver?
- Referral bonuses may not be received due to the invited Saver not completing the sign-up or offer redemption requirements.
Are you missing cash back for an offer that should have counted toward the bonus?
- If you are missing cash back for offers on an in-store paper receipt submission, check out: Help: I did not get cash back for my in-store offer(s).
- If you are missing cash back for offers on a grocery pickup & delivery purchase, please check out: Help: I'm missing cash back on my grocery pickup & delivery purchase.
- If you are missing cash back for an online shopping purchase, check out: Will a pending period affect my bonus?
Note: Bonuses may work differently during special campaigns or promotional events.