Get the best price every time! Earn cash back at thousands of retailers, compare prices, set price drop and restock alerts, and check price history.
How to get the Ibotta browser extension
If you want to use the Ibotta browser extension on your desktop or laptop device, add the extension to Google Chrome here.
You can also use the Ibotta mobile Safari extension on your iOS device. You can find more information on how to enable it and how it works here.
How to earn cash back
1. Log in to your Ibotta account.
Log in to the browser extension with your Ibotta account information.
2. Activate cash back.
The extension window will pop up every time you visit a supported website. Click "Activate" in the extension window to activate cash back.
3. Shop online and find offers.
From your computer, shop and pay as you normally would. Find cash back offers in the extension window.
- Need more time? You can always come back to the extension pop-up and activate the offer again!
4. Earn cash back.
That’s it! We’ll send you an email when the pending period is complete and cash back is added to your earnings.
Want to see the full list of supported retailers? Check it out, here.
How to compare prices
View on-demand price comparisons while shopping online with direct links to purchase the same, less expensive item from other retailers' sites. The Ibotta browser extension will calculate and show you the net price of an item after earning cash back!
1. Go to the item’s page.
Navigate to the item on your favorite site, such as Sam's Club or Walmart.
2. Click on the Compare tab in the extension window.
To open the extension window, click on the Ibotta logo. Then click on the Compare tab to compare prices.
3. Find the best price across multiple retailers!
Compare website prices, shipping rates (if available), and if there are any Ibotta offers. Savings abound!
How to set price drop and restock alerts
Set up custom notifications that send browser alerts when items drop in price, come back in stock, or are low in stock.
To track an item
1. Go to the item’s page.
Navigate to the item on your favorite site, such as Sam's Club or Walmart.
2. Click on the Compare tab in the extension window.
To open the extension window, click on the Ibotta logo. Then click on the Compare tab.
3. Enable the Notify Price Change for a specific retailer.
Simply toggle the gray Notify Price Change button so the button turns teal.
4. Get notified!
You'll get a notification when the item’s price goes down, comes back in store, or is low in stock. After 45 days tracking will expire and you will need to re-track this item.
To remove tracking on an item
1. Open the extension window.
Click on the Ibotta logo to open the extension window on any page.
2. Go to the Tracked Items tab.
Click on the Compare Tab then click on the Tracked Items tab. This will show all of the items you're tracking.
3. Click the red Untrack Item toggle to Untrack a single item.
To Untrack all tracked items, click on the Untrack All Items button.
How to check price history
Keep tabs on an item's price fluctuations over 30-day periods.
1. Go to the item’s page.
Navigate to the item on your favorite site such as Sam's Club or Walmart.
2. Click on the Compare tab in the extension window.
To open the extension window, click on the Ibotta logo. Then click on the Compare tab.
3. Click on the History button
The extension will show you how the price of the item has changed over the past 30 days, how often the item usually comes back into stock, and if now is a good time to purchase!
You can find FAQs about the Ibotta browser extension here.