Q: Can I use the Ibotta browser extension with other coupons or promo codes?
A: We do have retailers that allow use of coupons or promo codes with cash back offers. Always check a retailer’s offer details to make sure an offer is valid in combination with coupons or promo codes. We can’t guarantee cash back on promo codes not directly provided by Ibotta.
Q: Which browser does the extension work on?
A: The Ibotta browser extension is available on Google Chrome only.
Q: Where does the Ibotta browser extension work?
A: The extension works at over 2,000 popular retailers. Sign in and go to the Retailers page to see our list of supported browser extension retailers.
Q: Can I use the Ibotta browser extension on my mobile device?
A: Yes! You can also use the Ibotta mobile Safari extension on your iOS device. You can find more information on how to enable it and how it works here.
Q: Why does the Ibotta browser extension say that I’m logged out?
A: The Ibotta browser extension can only offer you cash back when you are logged in to an Ibotta account.
- If you’re new to Ibotta, you can create a new Ibotta account here.
- If you recently logged out of the Ibotta website or the Ibotta app, you may have been logged out of the browser extension. This helps us keep your account safe and secure. You can log back into the Ibotta browser extension here.
Q: I logged into the website, but my extension is stuck on the Looks like you’re logged out panel. How can I fix this?
A: Right-click on the Ibotta browser extension icon in the top-right of your browser. Hover over This can read and change site data make sure that On all sites is selected.
Q: Will I get cash back on my entire purchase at every retailer?
A: At most retailers, you will receive cash back on your purchase, excluding fees and shipping. However, some retailers have category restrictions on the types of products that qualify. Be sure to check the Exclusions and Limitations details before placing your order.
Q: Does the Ibotta browser extension work with grocery pickup and delivery?
A: No. All grocery pickup & delivery shopping features are available within the Ibotta app and website. Think of the browser extension as your helpful friend that makes saving and price comparison features quicker to find– thus easier to use!
Q: Why can't I see every offer from the app on the browser extension? A: Offers available on the app may not be accessible through the browser extension, and vice versa. Some offers are available only through the browser extension, and some are only available for in-store purchasing. |
Q: Why does the Ibotta browser extension say there is no cash back at a retailer?
A: If you see this message on a shopping site, it means we don’t currently have an offer for that retailer, but another one may be added in the future. See all current Ibotta browser extension retailers here.
Q: When will I get my cash back from using the extension?
A: Cash back will be added to your earnings once the pending period is complete. The pending state allows Ibotta to verify your purchase with the retailer and abide by their return or processing period. Check the offer details to see how long purchases from your retailer are supposed to be pending.
Q: Will I get cash back when I use the price comparison tool?
A: Possibly. We will show you when Ibotta offers are available along with the best prices! Regardless if there is an Ibotta offer, we will help you save the most / pay the least for your purchases!
Q: Is the price comparison tool available on Amazon?
A: Beginning September 2022, We’re working on improvements to the Ibotta browser extension that will affect Amazon.com shopping. During these updates, the browser extension’s price comparison tool won’t be available for Amazon items.
Q: The price compare tool says I can earn cash back, but I don't see the net price. Will I still get my cash back?
A: Yes, you’ll earn cash back on qualifying purchases. Currently, the net price feature isn’t supported on sites where Ibotta has offer exclusions. Be sure to always read the Offer details to see if there are any exclusions when you activate your offer!
Q: Why does the Ibotta browser extension say there is no cash back at a retailer?
A: If you see this message on a shopping site, it means we don’t currently have an offer for that retailer, but another one may be added in the future. See all current Ibotta browser extension retailers here.
Q: When comparing prices for an item, I notice there are no offers at any location. Is this expected?
A: It’s possible Ibotta may not have any cash back offers available at an online retailer for a specific item you are shopping for. That’s okay! Regardless of whether there is an Ibotta offer, we will help you save the most / pay the least for your purchases!
Q: Does the Ibotta browser extension work with Grocery pickup and delivery?
A: The Ibotta browser extension offers cash back at select Grocery pickup and delivery retailers. We recommend using the Ibotta app for the best experience with earning cash back on in-store and online grocery purchases!
Q: When will I get my cash back from using the extension?
A: Cash back will be added to your earnings once the pending period is complete. The pending state allows Ibotta to verify your purchase with the retailer and abide by their return or processing period. Check the Offer details to see how long purchases from your retailer are supposed to be pending.
Q: Who will be paying cash back to Savers? How?
A: After you activate an offer and make a qualifying purchase, Ibotta will add your cash back to your Ibotta account earnings after the pending period is complete. The pending period is listed in the retailer's Offer details.
Q: How do I withdraw my earnings?
A: Once you reach the $20 minimum, you can withdraw your earnings via the Ibotta app or website.
Q: How do I change Chrome browser Permissions?
A: On your computer, open Chrome, then follow these steps:
- Go to Ibotta.com
- To the left of the web address, click the Lock icon.
- Click the Notification bell icon or continue to Site settings for more options.
- Change the permission settings as you wish.
Q: How do I change my computer’s notifications settings?
On Mac:
Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, click Notifications & Focus, then click Notifications. Select Ibotta Browser Extension on the left, then view or change settings on the right.
On Windows:
Select the Start button, and then select Settings.
Go to System > Notifications.
Q: How do I change my notification rate?
A: You can change how frequently you will receive notifications of price changes on items you are tracking. From the Tracked Items tab in the extension, each item has a small teal pencil in the right upper corner. Click this pencil. Here, you can change the Check frequency setting. The two options in the dropdown are: Instant or Low Data. Be aware, higher frequency uses more Wifi bandwidth.
Q: Did OctoShop merge with Ibotta?
A: Yes! OctoShop merged with Ibotta in 2021. If you need help migrating from OctoShop to Ibotta, click here.
Q: What is “net price”? How is it calculated?
A: The net price of an item is determined by taking the cash back amount you’ll save with Ibotta from how much you’ll pay today.
Q: How can I report an incorrect price in the browser extension?
A: We're sorry about that! To report an issue with pricing on a product, click the flag icon in the lower right corner of a product tile.
Q: Is my data and information secure on the Ibotta browser extension?
A: Yes. Ibotta uses industry-leading security practices to ensure your personal information is safe, always. For more details, see our Security and privacy page.
Q: Why does the Ibotta browser extension say that I’m logged out?
A: The Ibotta browser extension only works when you are logged in to an Ibotta account. If you’re new to Ibotta, you can create a new Ibotta account here.
If you recently logged out of the Ibotta website or the Ibotta app, you may have been logged out of the browser extension. This helps us keep your account safe and secure. You can log back into the Ibotta browser extension here.
Q: Is my data and information secure on the Ibotta browser extension?
A: Yes. Ibotta uses industry-leading security practices to ensure your personal information is safe, always. For more details, see our Security and privacy page.