The offer details provide information about whether a product you wish to purchase is eligible for cash back.
Please review the offer details before making a purchase to be eligible for Ibotta cash back. If you tap on an offer within the Ibotta app, you will be directed to the offer details page, where you will find key information about the offer.
Offer Details in the App
Navigate to the retailer of your choice using either the search bar, your retailer favorites, or the Shop by category section on the home page.
Tap on an offer within the Ibotta app, you will be directed to the offer details page, where you will find key information about the offer.
Offer Information: Under the image of the product, you will see the value of the offer (cash back), the name of the offer, and the variety and size rules.
Teal plus sign: You can tap this to add (+) offers to Your List. The button will turn into a big green check mark button after it has been added.
If an offer is expiring within seven days, there will be a visible banner over the product image displaying the remaining time on the offer.
Long Details
Variety and Size Rules: If there are specific rules about variety and size, you will see the included variety/varieties and size(s).
Fine Print: If there are any legal details or highly specific exclusions to the offer, they will be listed in the Details.
Check Product Barcode: Use this button to scan your product and make sure that it is a part of the offer. Check out our article on troubleshooting barcode scanning issues if your product does not scan.
Related Bonuses: You can tap images of special bonuses related to specific offer. Redemption bonuses that are not product or brand specific will not be listed here.
Available At: This is the list of eligible retailers for the offer. You can tap "See All" to view the complete list. If you are viewing the particular offer on a retailer page, only that retailer will show under Available At.
People also viewed: This is a list of related offers that Savers have also viewed.