Get cash back on your entire online purchase at your favorite retailer when you shop from Ibotta!
How to earn cash back from
- Go to and log in to your account.
- Navigate to
- Locate the retailer you wish to shop with and click the hyperlink name of the retailer. This will take you to the Retailer's details page.
- Review the Offer Details for percent-back information, as well as any item or coupon exclusions.
- Click the Shop {retailer}.com button at the top of the page.
- Feel free to click the Copy button which appears next to the Shopping Trip ID on the web page in case you have an issue with your transaction.
- Shop on the partner website as usual and complete your purchase.
Then watch the cash back roll in!
Stay in the flow
When you click the Shop button on, Ibotta will display a cash back page, and then a new tab opens up for the partner website. If you navigate to the website on a different tab, you will not receive credit.
Q: Can a new user create an account on the website?
A: Yes. You can sign up for an Ibotta account via by following these steps:
- Enter all of the required fields for registration.
- If you have a referral code from a current Saver, there is a field for that as well.
- Then, click Create Account.
Q: Is there a withdrawal option on (
A: Not at this time. In order to withdraw your earnings, you will need the Ibotta app.
Q: Can I view my Earnings on the website?
A: Yes. Once you are logged in, click your picture, then select Account from the dropdown that appears. From here, you will be able to see your Current Earnings as well as your Lifetime Earnings.
Q: Will I receive notification on the web after purchase completion?
A: Yes. The best way to receive notifications through the web is to enable and opt-in for web push notifications. When you go to, you will be prompted with a pop-up that will tell you the benefits of enabling web push. If you select ‘Yes’, it will trigger the system prompt, where you will then be opted-in to web notifications. If you select ‘No’, the system prompt can only be displayed once. If you do want to receive a notification about your web purchase, it is important you select ‘Yes’ on the system prompt.
You may also enable web notifications on your favorite browser. Click here to see the instructions.
Q: I do not want to enable web notifications. Will I be notified of my purchase and progress elsewhere?
A: For web-related purchases, you will also be notified through the app (if not opted in to or on the web version).
Q: Do I need to activate offers prior to shopping on the web?
A: You will need to activate all Any Receipt offers available through the retailer on After, you will click the teal "Shop retailer" button at the top of the retailer's details page.
Q: How do I activate offers through
A: All you need to do to activate the offer is click the ‘Shop {retailer}.com’ button on the retailer details page from
Q: The website refreshed unexpectedly when I tried to shop from Ibotta. What should I do?
A: We apologize that there are issues with the website not working properly. If you completed your purchase, you may still receive cash back through the Ibotta connection. If you do not receive any notifications that your purchase was a success, please reach out to the Care team. If you did not complete your purchase yet, please do the following to see if it helps solve the problem, and try purchasing through Ibotta again:
Q: I clicked through your website to my retailer of choice, but I didn’t get cash back. Why is this?
A: It's possible one of the following occurred:
- You did not click the teal “Shop {retailer}.com” button on the top of the webpage.
- The link connection was interrupted upon shopping.
- Your purchase may not be eligible for cash back due to item exclusions.
- Your purchase may not be eligible for cash back due to coupon exclusion.
If you have any trouble receiving credit for a purchase made through, please write our Care Team for help.