Some retailers don't support linking your loyalty account for automatic cash back and require a physical receipt printed from the register for eligible in-store offer cash back.
If a physical receipt printed from the register is required, you will use it and submit it in the Ibotta app for in-store cash back. These retailers won't have the option to link an account and require in-app receipt submissions by tapping Submit receipt on the retailer page.
If your store is not able to print a paper receipt and only provides a digital receipt, unfortunately, you will not be able to submit it for cash back in the app. Additionally, pickup & delivery purchases do not qualify for in-store receipt submissions or in-store offer cash back. |
Receipts submitted for in-store offer cash back must include:
- Store name
- Store logo
- Store location
- Date and time
- Subtotal and total
- Items that are eligible for Ibotta offer cash back
Receipts submitted for in-store offer cash back must be:
- Printed from a point of sale (POS) system
- Submitted within 7 days of purchase