Missing some money? Still waiting for credit? Where's my cash back?
If you are missing cash back from a loyalty purchase, please make sure you've completed the following:
- Add offers before you shop.
- Purchase qualifying items.
- Use your loyalty account at checkout.
- Check if the cash back is still pending.
Add offers before you shop.
Remember to add offers to Your list before you shop, so you never miss out on a deal.
Purchase qualifying items
Always look at the Offer details before shopping to find the product sizes, varieties, and/or quantities that qualify for cash back.
Use your loyalty account at checkout.
Make sure that you use the same loyalty account that is linked to your Ibotta account when you checkout at the retailer in-store.
Check if the cash back is still pending.
After you complete your purchase, you should receive an email and/or app notification that will notify you that your cash back is pending or credited. You should get cash back within 72 hours. Cash back timing is subject to change.
What is the "Recent purchases" section for?
If you've recently shopped with Ibotta, you may have seen your transaction appear under a new section in Earnings, titled Recent purchases.
If you missed adding an offer before shopping with a loyalty account, you may be alerted that you still have 24 hours to add the offer for cash back. By tapping the transaction, you have the opportunity to add eligible offers you may have missed before checkout.