Some Ibotta offers include details regarding coupon restrictions at some retailers. The following information should help to clarify:
Paper manufacturer coupons cannot be combined with Ibotta offers. If you redeemed a coupon for the same product at Walmart, check your earnings in your Walmart account.
Dollar General
Paper and digital manufacturer coupons cannot be combined with Ibotta offers. If you redeemed a coupon for the same product at Dollar General, check your earnings in your Dollar General account.
Other retailers
You may or may not be able to successfully combine paper manufacturer coupons with Ibotta offers.
Additionally, some Ibotta offers have restrictions that will not allow them to be combined with:
Promotional codes
While shopping at Online shopping retailers on the Ibotta app, website, and browser extension.
Other retailer digital rewards
Digital rewards are just another way to think about cash back! Digital rewards provide cash back as either a fixed amount for an item or a percentage of your total purchase. Ibotta provides Savers with digital rewards through Ibotta properties (like the Ibotta app, website, and browser extension) and through exclusive retailer partnerships (like the Walmart Cash program).
If you redeemed a digital reward for the same product, check your earnings in your retailer account. Please note that your Ibotta cash back earnings can be reversed for offer items also redeemed via retailer reward programs like Walmart Cash and DG Cash.
... among others. Store-run sales or discounted items are not considered an exclusion for Ibotta offer redemption.
Additionally, if you do not receive cash back for an Ibotta offer, you will not receive progress for the Ibotta bonus. Ibotta will not issue bonus progress and may reverse cash back, for items purchased and combined with these restrictions.
It is important to always check the offer details to understand the specific exclusions or restrictions for that offer.