When you submit a receipt to Ibotta, you will be asked to confirm offers on your receipt—this helps us verify the items you purchased.
After you take pictures of your receipt or scan the receipt’s barcode, we will automatically match offers added to your list with your receipt. You may be asked to scan the item's barcode to redeem the offer cash back. Or, if offers are missing, you can add them to your receipt submission. |
Here's how
- After taking pictures of your receipt, or scanning the barcode, confirm the offers you are expecting cash back for on the Confirm your offers page.
- On this page, you can also add missing offers to your receipt submission.
- If any offers are missing, tap I'm missing cash back and scan each item's barcode. This helps us verify the items you purchased, you can also submit barcodes for review.
- If you need to add more offers to your list, use the Search all offers at (retailer) search bar.
- After confirming your offers, tap Done.
- Your receipt will be sent to Ibotta for review and you should get cash back within 72 hours.
Ibotta recommends saving your paper receipts until you receive your cash back.